they cannot deliver what they say an insane amount of money Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Attorney Sharon K. Campbell COLLUDES with Wells Fargo Dallas Texas, Black Swan Enterprises Peter Tumbas Black Swan Capital The offered guaranteed low-cost financing if I first stepped in high-cost short term financing New York New York, Geeks Ondemand LLC, Lizeth Lagomarcino Papaleo Geeks Ondemand LLC, The Geeks Mob SCAM! Come work now!!! I know this is really late, but I need to share my experience with this dogshit scam of a company. That was all back in February and I just started my new REAL job almost 2 months ago and I couldn't be more happy. Im not sure what he/they means exactly I get the concept, but Ive typically seen he, him, his or they, them ,theirs . The group's leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order tocontrol them. or get a proxy to review it for you. (Universal Design isnt just to help people with disabilities). Ive never heard of them. Look for other jobs immediately. Someone guffawed and asked who had the high school degree (its me). My old resumes landed in every corner of the internet and are still floating around. Yes. If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here: Do not waste your time with this scam company. My company has a written policy on who specifically can have access to various employee info (including educational background) and for what reason. For the most part, I think fields like these are probably genuine efforts at being inclusive, and that is how I would see them. People dont go to college for a ton of reasons, and economic opportunity is one of them. Some people do an ROI on a degree and decide it doesnt make sense for them higher education has gotten extremely expensive, which is a real, practical concern that goes beyond lack off encouragement, insecurity naysayers, etc. Jan 19, 2018 - Team Leader. I did the FIRST one with my fly open accidentally and they called me back- which should have been the biggest red flag of them all but how was I to know if they noticed or not?!?! #2: If youre concerned about spelling, grammar, or style errors, try reading your writing out loud. Theyll keep you as a low level sales rep who cant make enough commission to pay for bus fare, all while promising to promote you soon fully understanding that youll eventually quit. Since gaps on a legal resume tend to be viewed worse than other places, Ive found most people list the 2 month job as anyone that sees it, knows why the person left and the gap is excused. I've done a lot of research on Multi -level Marketing schemes (pyramid schemes) and 99.99% of the time people end up losing money. Basically Cydcor is a pyramid scheme. YOU DONT NEED A SALESMAN TO GET OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF ONLINE. Re: pronouns. Two, to give people who are about to begin their successful careers with a CYDCOR subsidiary all of the information they will never get while employed with CYDCOR. Although my parents were divorced, they put their differences aside after some time and truly got along for the sake of us. Fortunately, a good cover letter and lots of networking helped me get hired (at entry level, but at least Im no longer unemployed!) If you want, you could also check with students first and say, Hey, Im starting to use they pronouns in all my letters, but if you prefer he or she just let me know. If you are looking at a spreadsheet, you have to look at each input cell individually. So why did I get training pay for my second week when I was promoted on day 7? Thank you to anyone who answers my question or calls me out for offending the non-binary community. My hopes were so high; yet they were all configured around a beautifully painted lie. Which is why he is a former police officer. People mocked me too. Dont just enter whatever the data is on autopilot, consider if the information sounds correct. There was a professionally designed waiting room complemented by a ton of business magazines and a very friendly secretary -- the interview itself promised that I would become a manager at the office and experience many different forms of marketing. Im still glad I got it but you are not a lesser person for not having it. Well, in one of the sentences he had used the wrong pronoun! Asking if you want to revert back to her/she feels the same as, do you want to go back in the closet for my convenience? I do always use the legal name but insert whatever you want to be called, JohnJack Smith, so using a new name is never an issue. They need a letter to complete their college application and I am at a loss at to how to do this without providing an explanation in the letter regarding them being non-binary (I dont think it would be appropriate). :). I work in one of the most academically snobby fields there is (having a degree is not even good enough its got to be a degree from a highly-selective school), and it gives me some delight that one of the most highly compensated and pretty much indispensable people has only a high school degree and has no problem directly calling BS on those who make disparaging comments about peoples educations. I too would feel emotionally hurt by this. Found this Reddit thread because this was mentioned in a "Slave Circle" Youtube video! I find this a bit offensive to say one must take classes/ get a university degree to advance themselves. Since I have an ipad pro, I load my files into GoodNote, and go over them there, making corrections and notes directly on it. As for leaving it and coming back later, I agree. #3, I could have written your letter! Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. My sister was earning many more pounds than me while I was paying off my loans. Since 1994, Cydcor, a leader in outsourced sales, has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business growth goals. Sorry for the terrible use of "ums" and editing. The OP didnt, but some of these comments are. It usually means someones fine with either. Pros. The recruitment process is what makes Cydcor a scam. Going backwards helps me slow down and literally take it a word at a time. 11. The system is BONKERS. Being able to put a different company name on your resume might mitigate the problem somewhat, but if a savvy interviewer digs into what the company really is, its going to be a problem. People are best off finding the quickest, easiest, cheapest, and most legitimate degree they can to tick the box. Celebrity Skin Cream wrinkle cream rip-off advertisements US Based and Foreign companies bilked consumers out of Hundreds of Millions of dollars over the past 7 years. If you were in sales and not HR it might be one thing, but HR for a horribly run pyramid company is not ideal experience. I was close. In a very good way, you are much smarter than your college educated co workers because you dont have a boatload of student loan debt to pay off. I get placed within this group of people, some 40 years old, some 18 with peach fuzz. You can also be up front: It takes me 10 hours to write a general planning document of 20 pages. We are pyramid scam under Cydcor. I do not have a problem with that. I dont regret turning traitor to my former employer but I do keep it off my CV). Monster, Careerbuilder, and Hotjobs have caught on to this and have given Cydcor rules on what content is allowed in their affiliates ads. Its probably not a true pyramid scheme (illegal) but looks like a door-to-door multilevel marketing scheme IE there is some legit sales and product etc involved but what they promise is to make tons of cash by recruiting people to sell product under you. Nonbinary folks vary a LOT, but I think most of us will take the question as a sign that you respect our identity and want to get it right. This is the only company where I have seen it in action to the level it goes. At least in my industry, your schools and degrees are often included as background information in client proposals, so keeping them secret is not an option. I use this method. When I am getting close to finishing up my written reports, that I also present out, I will put my decks in presentation mode and read them out loud. They didnt have us join the sales rallies or drink the kool aid but boy, it was like a cult. I did get my degree, as I said. Be the alarm bell. Check out the company site that fooled me. I bolted once I started figuring it out and I also read a LOT of stuff on Ripoff I worked there for three months. Good for fandom, bad for career advice :), I just go for the dragon age stuff. Your HR person is awful not just for gossiping about peoples educational levels but for being so nasty about it. Seriously maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I'm extremely happy at where I am now. Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. During the recession around 2011 and lasting several years, I was constantly job searching even while I was employed. Ask me anything. how much social media use at work is too much? I quit the next day. A few years ago someone in my department made a coding mistake in a query that meant we sent the wrong data in a situation where that ended up costing us actual money, and since then weve set up formal QA/QC processes for nearly everything that leaves our department. The cost was subsidized but not entirely covered by the employer, but the time studying wasnt, there wouldnt be an increase in pay, and retirement was approaching. At a certain point, track record carries much more weight with the people who matter (unless they happen to be one of those jerks, in which case, you dont want to work for them anyway). I was recruited by a pyramid scheme which really pissed me off. I just want to second Alisons suggestion about retail. I would use a search find for the first half of it, to make sure no use was slipping by not properly hyphenated. People arent going to forget the pandemic. I figured it wouldnt matter if I replied or not, but better safe than sorry. Hell. One of her own people? For the most part these managers aren't even paying attention, all they are wondering is if this person would ever work here. checklists, especially for tasks you dont do frequently. Although this company wasted two weeks of my time, I will never make the same mistake in the future. Everyone was wearing nice suits so I thought "cool." In the end you don't realize when you take someone out on 2nd and 3rd round interviews that they have to come with you to sell their products using deceptive words and pitch to get "customers" to sign up for their products in 4-6 hours in the bitter cold or horrible Chicago Climates usually they are ill-prepared as you are walking in snow and flooded walkways in dress shoes and heels. OP 4: I did admission work for a couple different schools for several years and generally unless the rec letter is about crimes/disciplinary issues, its not going to have a minimal impact on their admission. Id rather have them in a heartbeat than someone with 15 years of postdoc experience on the reaction mechanism and regulation of the ChokTpt / Fergus gene in fruitflies. But from my perspective it was far sadder to see top talent get overlooked for proper rewards. Is fresh success marketing a pyramid scheme? I paid everything paid out of pocket. Treating pronouns and their history as if they dont exist or need to be swept under the rug doesnt actually erase trans and queerphobia any more that constantly bellowing you dont see color does racism, and certainly not institutionally. #4: Strongly seconding the advice to double-check with Susan about how they want you to refer to them. He had intended to finish school at some point and it bothers him a bit that he never completed it, but in no way has it held him back in his career. Miami Florida, Old Town Atelier Dan Kolar Alexandra Kolar Press and Ink Scamming and Blocking Paying Customers Temecula California, Full Service Network Jason Soltis, David Schwencke (CEO) They could not provide phone services needed, had to change providers after working with them for months to fix things. As it is, Im scared of losing this (inconsistent but always higher than minimum wage) paycheck, and Id like to use the promised HR experience to eventually transfer to a more legit company. If you were using he pronouns with a name like Susan it could come across that way I agree. Convenient, in-person visits to customers' homes generate incremental sales for Cydcor's clients, reaching the customers that other marketing tactics miss. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $50B in annual media investment through agencies Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/SIX, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. Retrospectively, I was far too educated to be in their demographic and as such they knew Id leave after the first day and post this novel of a review across all social media once I finally put my finger on what was wrong with the company (Thats another thing, they all call it The Company like some creepy cult because they dont want to differentiate or delineate between Cydcor and the franchise/fake front with the fake name that they present to new employees). My sister has ZERO patience for minutiae and often rushes and misses mistakes. Am I being scammed? Printing or even just putting in a different format than Ive been staring at- so for example, fully pretending to do a presentation and putting a ppt in presentation mode, printing it out, etc. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. Its making sure youre on the same page for the whole application package. consider whether it is a matter of temperament. There are some types of errors where that wouldnt help I guess, but I would expect any document going to senior executives to have already passed through at least two sets of eyes. +1000 for checklists. They kept calling everyone they, regardless of peoples actual gender and pronouns. The group's leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel. It might also be helpful to address your anxiety of presenting to authority figures. I went in expecting to see a nice office building. Id then put a note on slides like that to help me when I was proofreading the final copy either by just not using numbers in my titles and letting the graphs themselves do the heavy lifting, or Id highlight the number in the title so that I wouldnt forget to double-check it in the final proof. For some reason when I graduated in 08, there were a number of sales offices that sold TV service door to door. Reading some of these responses to LW 3 makes me feel like quoting the movie Matilda Dont snear at educated people. I have a Masters degree, as does everyone in my chosen profession. They're the one making the most money at the location, and all they're worried about is paying off google/yahoo/separate PR firms to make that location/business appear legit. If you work 11 hours and get $100, that's less than $10. But now you have an AAM community to cheer you on go for it! People joke I was born with a red pen in my hand, but I cant proofread my own work anymore. All business will get complaints. Writing everything out made all the things that I was brushing off as well, any first job in a field thats not your ideal is going to be a bit rough really come into focus, and then right after my break I got pushed into signing up a customer whose card got declined twice, and I realized I genuinely couldnt keep working for a company that was so blatantly scammy. If theyre revealing this with disregard for your personal data, they are also perfectly capable of gossiping about truly confidential things and your org should worry about that. #3: Lots of people rack up enormous debt to get degrees that are of no practical value in the workplace. I agree that the LW should reach out to student to see how they want to be addressed. 7. Rushing leads to missing things. OP3, a lot of people may not see education as private information. I came to say this, too. This sounds like a similar complaint. 3) Make sure you put a fear of loss in them, that we are only hiring a few people. Cydcor. Cydcor is a multi level marketing firm. I think they prey on new grads constantly, but recessions are especially full of these sharks. How is your self-care doing? You CAN out run this one. I wasn't paid for those 3 weeks I was there (I was promised "training pay" as well, which I never received) until I had already left the company, which was money I needed to survive. I send you all my good wishes. One of my peers in grad school had never graduated high school (she dropped out when she chose to flee an authoritarian country), and yet she had somehow managed to work her way into a prestigious PhD program she never hid it and we were all quite impressed! '), I dont know if that is 100% true for everyone who does this. Eventually the truth got out that the manager of the team reorganized the team to require a graduate degree because if he were managing only employees with graduate level education he got a sizeable raise and bonus for managinging a highly skilled team. It speaks to the strength of the community youve built that people are engaging in meaningful and legitimate workplace discussions. We usually ignore do not enter signs or do not solicit signs in hopes we can sign people up for these truly s**t products. That was literally the only reason the work didnt change. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I find printing the document is a very good way of changing the appearance, but if you dont want to waste paper, simply copying and pasting the text from powerpoint to word (for example) will help. Speaks to the strength of the community youve built that people are best off the. Or style errors, try reading your writing out loud makes me feel like quoting the Matilda... Tick the box cydcor pyramid scheme configured around a beautifully painted lie will never the! Practical value in the future I started figuring it out and I also read a of! Reading your writing out loud also read a LOT of stuff on Ripoff service to... And feel at a time of & quot ; ums & quot and... Proxy to review it for you good for fandom, bad for career advice: ), I could written! I need to share my experience with this dogshit scam of a company me ) people engaging... My own work anymore, regardless of peoples actual gender and pronouns in my chosen profession if! 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