Matthew McConaughey: (16:57) You know these No Fear t-shirts? A roof is a man-made thing. You know that group of friends that you hang out with that really might not bring out the best in you? The time it takes to disconnect from the world we left, and become completely present in the one we are traveling inFor me, that initiation period usually last about thirteen days. Soaked in sweat, I threw up until there was no bile left in my belly, and finally passed out from exhaustion. Hey, can you hear me? "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Add Matthew McConaughey to the growing list of celebrity commencement speakers. We so often focus on our FAILURES. Me, I graduated high school in 1988. And while nobody throws you a party when you abide by them, no ones going to arrest you when you break them either. He was ashamed. The stuff that tastes so good going down, it makes us feel like crap the next week, we feel lethargic and we keep putting on weight. Ask how it works for you, how it applies to you personally, why you need it in your life, specifically. See, JOY is always in process, under constructionits in the constant approach, alive and well in the DOING of what we are fashioned to do and enJOYing doing it. In my business, its called mailbox money. I do my job well today, I get checks in the mailbox five years from nowheck of a deal. Its not all right. So, Im going to talk to you about some things Ive learned along my journeymost from experience, some I heard in passing, many Im still practicing, but ALL of them, true. Its under construction. And then you got to move on. I had this sweet little adobe guest house on the edge of the Saguaro National Park. Stupid word. Guess which column was empty? This Matthew McConaughey Speech on Happiness just Blew me Away. Lets get that straight. McConaughey delivered a passionate 20-minute speech, after meeting with President Joe Biden, at the podium of the White House press briefing room while wearing a black suit with a Texas pin. I wanted to be in the scene longer and more and come back into the scene. You want to ask her out but you fear she may say no. You want to ask for that promotion but youre scared your boss will think youre overstepping your bounds. Matthew McConaughey - Actor & Producer I'm going to talk to you about some things that I've learned in my journey. No, were in process, the APPROACH IS THE DESTINATION and we are NEVER finished. Joy is the feeling that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome. All of these badges and banners and expectations and anxieties that I was carrying with me, I needed to free myself from them. He was embarrassed as much because he felt so disrespectful to coach Royal and as much because hed obviously gotten too comfortable with the drug to even hide it as well as he should. My gut was still a bit piqued from last nights purge, yet I curiously felt pretty good: alive, clean, free, light. We realize that the moment just got bigger than us. Matthew McConaughey Oscar Award Speech Text Audio Video . When do we write in our diary? Im not talking about those obligations. I mean, hell yeah, give me more scenes. I was nervous before I got here to speak tonight. Or say my spiritual health could use some maintenance (red) but hey, my friendships and social life are in high gear (black) I gotta recalibrate, checks and balances, go to church, remember to say thank you more often. NUMBER 1, LIFES NOT EASYdont try and make it that way. 8th Jun 2022, 12:10pm - 6 min read. Best Actor Acceptance Speech, Oscars 2014 Lyrics. Matthew McConaughey: (14:24) Be brave, take the hill but first, answer the question, What is my hill?. A blue ribbon, a statue, a score, a great idea, the love of our life, a euphoric bliss. Matthew McConaughey: (11:05) A speech by Matthew McConaughey shows us that we can always find those things that make us positive if we focus on the journey and stop searching for things that we constantly change. A couple weeks ago, I interviewed one rumored contender for Texas Governor, Beto O'Rourke. Thank you for having me. And when you do, you get stronger, you get more aware, you get more respectful of yourself, and that which you fear. But there ain't no denying that he's a bit weird. In a mere two quarters, defensive coordinator, Jim Eddy went from being called the defensive coordinator of the year and the man first in line to be a head coach next year, to a man without a job in the NFL. Guilt and regret kills many a man before their time. Life Isn't Easy or Fair Nothing good in life ever comes easy. So do this. Matthew McConaughey Quotes on Passions, Emotions, and Career. Im settling into camp. We hit roadblocks, we fuck up, we get fucked, we get sick, we don't get what we want, we cross thousands of "could have done better"s and "wish that wouldn't have happened"s in life. Turn that page. Life's not easy. And by the end of the shoot those 3 lines had turned into over 3 weeks work and it was Woodersons 70 Chevelle we went to get Aerosmith tickets in. Bad ass. Should never come out of our mouths. (It aint the monkeys Im worried about, its you and me.). Happiness is hard to obtain due to our own standards of perfection and changing the goal posts whenever we get close to what we wanted. He was embarrassed. Well, instead of denying those fears, declare them. Thats where I want to live!! Discover." ~ Mark Twain. Give others and yourself more credit. The local Sherpas I was traveling with even noticed, calling out to me, sois luz Mateo, sois luz!! Matthew McConaughey Motivational Speech Transcript Happy Scribe's Favorites 885 views 26 Feb 2020 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Yeah. If we can do that, then we have what I believe is Heaven on Earth. I have. Do this and let them, let somebody else come up and tap you on the shoulder and say Hey, you scored. Let them run up and tap you on the shoulder and say, You won. Let them come to you, You go home now. Let them say, I love you too. Let them say thank you. So we have to consciously put ourselves in a place to receive that clarity. And there are not enough cops in the entire world to police themIts on YOU. Matthew McConaughey gave an impassioned and emotional speech at the White House on Tuesday calling for "responsible gun ownership" in the wake of the school shooting at Robb Elementary two weeks . Say your obstacle is fear of rejection. Lifes a verb. When we humans under perform or act OUT of character? I was no longer in a rush to get anywhere. Un-be-lievably stupid word. "The unhappy derive comfort from the misfortunes of others." ~ Aesop. Joy, though, is something else. As a means to reveal what we are good at, what we can get better at, what we do succeed at. You ever felt that way? Now, Im not saying be in denial of your failures. Why? Offers may be subject to change without notice. I also thought about what I WANT to say. The crumbs Im talking about are the choice we make that make us have to look over our shoulder in the future. Life is a verb. I got to pick up the slack on being a better husband. Give your obstacles credit. It is result reliant. These are whats important to me in my life right now. You ever get in a rut? Frank Reich and the Bills come back to win 4138 in overtime for one of the greatest comebacks in NFL history. I mean thats the ticket isnt it!!? Bo Jackson ran over the goal line, through the end zone and up the tunnelthe greatest snipers and marksmen in the world dont aim at the target, they aim on the other side of it. I got rid of my lucky and faithful American cat. I dont think so.. Again, it just happened, and it happens everyday , NOTHING we homosapien earthlings do is unbelievableone thing you can depend on people beingis people. Famous dude, actor and Lincoln car spokesperson Matthew McConaughey . Or say my spiritual health could use some maintenance. As much because he felt so disrespectful to Coach Royal, and as much because hed obviously gotten too comfortable with the drug to even hide as well as he should. Im really looking forward to talking with you all tonight. But unbelievable? While Matthew McConaughey is an amazing actor a lot of people don't really realize just how truly inspirational he is as himself, overall. We DISSECT them. Giving thanks for that which we do have, for what is working, appreciating the simple things we sometimes take for granted. Do not fall into the trap. The place where what we want is also just what we need. What success is to you? No one else governs these, but you. But its not. But what is it worth? Matthew McConaughey: (40:56) It is considered one of the best motivational speeches of all time. Knowing who we ARE is hard. That line. I have. You. I dont get them and I never did. His acting prowess, his uncanny good looks, his charming Texas drawl. Personally, Ive read a whole lot of my bad reviews. You see, I forgave myself that morning. Lets admit it, money is king today, makes the world go round. M atthew McConaughey punched a fist down in anger on the lectern of the White House Briefing Room on Tuesday, filling the crowded space with a jarring . Im talking about the you versus you obligations. The house came with a maid, my first maid. And I was full on sick of myself. Well, the next day, Larry went to coachs house. On January 7, 2016 Matthew McConaughey gave a classic motivational speech at the University of Houston. So we shouldnt be surprised. Lets dissect that, and give thanks for those things. Then you got to make amends. The house came with a maid. Support Speakola Hi speech lovers, With costs of hosting website and podcast, this labour of love has become a difficult financial . Dont try to make it that way. Hopefully, were both going to be happy on both accounts. I've suffered a stroke that set me back 18 months of my life. Its a get rich quick on the internet, 15 minutes of fame world we live in. Got my college degree in 1993. And all I can see is whats in front of me.. Matthew McConaughey: (36:51) I was asking myself, whats the reality in this and whats the bullshit? Many of you dont even have a job at all. Discover why Rev is the #1 speech-to-text service in the world. And if we get that far. So I try to measure these five things each day. Larry confessed. We received it, we personalized it, we internalized it. Turn the page, get off the ride. Bo Jackson, what he do? One was in high school in the early 1970s. This is the reality that many of you are facing. [inaudible 00:07:00]. Maybe you used to wear them 10 years ago, No Fear. Because I do know this. It hit me. It's about earning the respect of your peers through your work and by having integrity. How about that food that we keep eating? Did I want to stand up here at a podium and read you your rights? It is not. So while were here, lets make it a place where we break a sweat, where we believe, where we enjoy the process of succeeding in the places and ways we are fashioned to. Unbelievable is the stupidest word in the dictionary. Joy is not a choice. Soaked in sweat, I [inaudible 00:40:40]. So Im going to talk to you about some things Ive learned in my journey. A way that can only be described as 100% McConaughey.Beyond the make believe, tactile Matthew is an active philanthropist through his Just Keep Livin' Foundation. She even presses my jeans. There we go. Joy, though, is something else. Teachers, mentors, the government and laws, they all give us guidelines for which to navigate this life. Because we arent thinking of the finish line. Im not saying be in denial of your failures. I mean, I get butterflies every morning before I go to work. That was some extra incentive for me to come. So here we go. Lets admit it, we all got two wolves in us, a good one and a bad one, you know what Im talking aboutand they BOTH wanna eat We just gotta feed that good wolf a little more than the other one. He was a friend of mine and a good friend of many people. published May 16, 2015 Matthew McConaughey stopped by University of Houston yesterday to deliver a commencement address to the university's graduating class. Ive never have my jeans pressed again. And by this time, the GED wasnt enough to guarantee employment. Matthew McConaughey gave a hilariously over-the-top speech to Texas football. He was ashamed. We can dissect ourselves into self-loathing if were not careful. Im not talking about those obligations. I mean, I Id even subscribe to believe that were all destined to have to do the thing that we fear the most anyway, at some point. The commencement speech is available for everyone to view for free in the public domain of YouTube. Everyone wanted a piece of me. Wrestling with the loss of anonymity, I was guilt ridden for sins of my past, I had a lot of regret. And if you got one, you had a pretty good chance of getting the kind of job that you wanted after you graduated. Really? By Brian Bennett. I got to go to church, remember to say thank you more often or something. I took every moniker that gave me pride and confidence, all the window dressings, the packaging around the product, I discard them all. Why? "If I don't keep. Were obsessed with failure, we dissect failure in our failures. Joy is the feeling we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome. So I asked the question, what does your college degree mean? Even the local Sherpas I was traveling with, they noticed calling out to me. To make it an active part of who we are and live it. Well, when did 13 get the bad rap and become the mongrel of numerology? First, we have to put ourselves in the place to receive the truth. McConaughey says he defines himself by five things: fatherhood, being a good husband, health, career and friendships. Unbelievable is the stupidest word in the dictionary. "I want to keep all five in healthy shape," he said. Its just as important where we are not as it is where we are. The Oilers lost that game, they beat themselves. My gut was still a bit piqued from last nights purge but I curiously felt pretty good. In fact, 13 has been a pretty lucky number for me, lemme tell you how: Ive always taken these 21 day trips by myself to far off places where I usually dont know the language and nobody knows my name. It was Wooderson since 1970 Chevelle that we went to go get Aerosmith tickets in. Question we have to ask ourselves is, what success is to us, what success is to YOU. And you dont have that job that directly reflects the degree you just got. Matthew McConaughey: (04:10) Why they beat themselves? No, we can learn from them too, but only if we look at them constructively. He had number one hits and his life was rolling. Even though Matthew McConaughey 's speech was SUPER expensive, his speech was not only intriguing, but enlightening. Nobody has ever choked? Turn the page. Joy, though, is something else. We give thanks for these things and that gratitude reciprocates, creating more to be thankful for. We dont always grasp it, hear it, access it. It never was, it isnt now, and it wont ever be. 4 Commencement Speeches to Get You Through the Work Week. But what IS happiness? I think it was 150 grand. I would argue that our cultural values have even been financialized. Create a better, more engaging experience for every student. [time-brightcove not-tgx=true], So, before I share with you some what I do knows, lets talk about a what I dont know.. Think about it. A happy marriage? Maybe its a happy marriage. We try our best, we dont always do our best. For example, I need this film to be a box office success. Okay. Someones asking, why did I pick 13? What about the other side of unbelievable? So, you give your obstacles credit and you will one. I dont think so. An honest mans pillow is his peace of mind, and when you lay down on the pillow at night, no matter whos in our bed we ALL sleep alone. Defining ourselves by what we are NOT is the first step that leads us to really KNOWING WHO WE ARE. Matthew McConaughey: (21:43) And I say if happiness is what youre after, then youre going to be let down frequently and youre going to be unhappy much of your time. Its because we have created a fictitious ceiling, a roof, to our expectations of ourselves, a limitwhere we think its all too good to be true. Surprisingly fresh and energized, I dressed, made some tea and went for a morning walk. You ever get in a rut? Didnt mean as much. The maid. The jungle floor in front of me was actually thousands of butterflies there in my path. Matthew David McConaughey (/ m k n h e / m-KON--hay; born November 4, 1969) is an American actor and producer.He had his breakout role with a supporting performance in the coming-of-age comedy Dazed and Confused (1993). "My experience in workeven going to work with Scorseseis that people always think there's some magic trick. These are your personal Jiminy Cricket, and there are not enough cops in the entire world to police them. Say your obstacle is fear of rejection. The Interstellar actor, 53, and the Brazilian model, 40, celebrated . Translated on-screen subtitles for videos. 1. You will not be fined or put in jail if you do not gratify these obligations I speak of. I dont know. 13. Mom and dad, since we were young, they teach us things as children. McConaughey said: "Joy is always in process, it's always under construction." He spoke of how he was previously judging his success on metrics that he thought were important to him, like the number of academy awards he won, or the amount of money his films grossed. Thank you, good luck and just keep livin. When were depressed. Number four. You see, I crossed a truth that morning. They aim on the other side of the target. Get some ROI. So, me, how do I define success? Speech-to-Text API for pre-recorded audio, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition engine. And get it from our intellectual head, thinking about it and into our bones and our soul and our instinct. And somewhere in my captivation, I heard this little voice inside my head say these words, All I want is what I can see. It was awesome. Im worried about you and me. For instance, sometimes say my careers rolling. NOTHING we do is unbelievable. To leave the world a little bit better place than you found it? Oscars 2014 - Matthew McConaughey - Best Actor. It means you got an education, means you have more knowledge in a specific subject, vocation, means you may have more expertise in what your degree is in. McConaughey here. Dont drink the Kool-Aid. I mean, thats the ticket, isnt it? Teachers, mentors, the government and laws all give us guidelines to navigate life, rules to abide by in the name of accountability. Can you hear me? I stopped. Success isn't about gaining money and fame so that you can gain respect from your peers. Or how about that food we keep eating? You are not yet over it and get on with it. That was me. Get some R.O.IRETURN ON INVESTMENTYour investment. This is the world that we live in. They are yours to steal, to share, to liken to your own lives, and to personally apply in your OWN lives, in your own way, should you choose to. Yes, they may be truths to me, but dont think that that makes them MINE because you cant own a truth. Matthew McConaughey is an Academy Award-winning actor and 2014 TIME 100 honoree. 1:03. Congratulations. What happens when we get that feeling? These are the crumbs. Its not a choice, not a response to some result, it is a constant. Voluntarily keeping our own council because we WANT to. People Ive never met were swearing that they love me. The journey has no port. January 3, 1993. It is just as important where we are not as it is where we are. Now, in rewatching the film, (and youll agree if you know Wooderson), he was not a guy who would ever say, later, and then COME BACK to see if you were sure you didnt wanna come with him.. No, when Wooderson leaves, Woodersons gone, he doesnt stutter step, flinch, rewind, ask twice, or solicit, right? So I stripped down to nothing. So give your obstacles credit and you will, one, find the courage to overcome them. She washes my clothes, the dishes puts fresh water by my bed, leaves me cooked meal sometimes. Matthew McConaughey: (11:59) Thirteen hellish days until Im out of my own way. A sugar donut or some oatmeal? To actually take it into our daily lives and practice it. The first step is usually, I know who I am not. I think fear is a good thing. So first, we have to define success for ourselves. What I NEED to say Hopefully, well both be happy on both accounts And as the saying goes, take what you like, leave the rest. Shit. Matthew McConaughey: (19:46) Felt clean. Acknowledge acts of greatness as real, and do NOT be naive about mankinds capacity for evil nor be in denial of our own shortcomings. I hate that line. Again, these are not societal laws and expectations that we acknowledge and endow for anyone other than ourselves. Alright. View All Credits 1 5.7K 3. Wooderson shouldnt have been there. And towards the end of an hour, Larry who was in tears, he asked coach, he said, Coach, what do you think I should do? Coach, being a man of few words just looked at him and calmly said, Larry, I have never had any trouble turning the page in the book of my life. Larry got sober that day, and hes been sober for the last 40 years. Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You're Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches Absolute Motivation 1.39M subscribers Subscribe 214K 15M views 4 years ago If you enjoyed this video. You graduated. Sure, he's got a nice face and a great body, but he is so much more than those things. To be spiritually sound? 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