We had an experience of our own, years ago. . One of the doctors examined my posture and took two x-rays (only $25 each, which is very reasonable), and told me to return the next day to get the results. 10 billion CFU of Probiotics support a healthy digestive tract while . My asthma only bothers me when I exercise vigorously as I havent been on the diet long enough yet. Every doc is different (not all ML docs are high-pressure or sleazy about it), but many of the ML docs Ive come across and heard stories about ARE this way, and thats what Im hoping that we as a profession will stop stooping to. Also, ML chiropractors do not claim that spinal manipulation alone will better your health. if you arent in pain, so I only go a couple of times a year if Im in pain. The facts speak for themselves! The first one we saw was a little too high pressure, but I chalked that up the fact that he and his staff were all in their 20s and excited in what they were doing. We were told that our daughter would not be able to be healed by anyone but Maximized living, and that her condition was very grave, we were also told that they could cure her autoimmune disease (which was a lie). Im not saying chiropractic cant improve symptoms (I know that it can, if applied correctly and in conjunction with other modalities), but I cringe every time I hear that someone can treat or cure autoimmune diseases because its simply not true and making such claims only runs our reputation that much further into the ground. Thank you. The adjustments were all the same and when I was pregnant, I had really bad carpal tunnel syndrome. Well these people probably have normal sized discs in their neck and backs. When I asked how the treatments he was proposing (which may evidently have lasted for months) would help the pain in my shoulder, he said that he didnt know and wouldnt until he did the adjustment. 9401 Statesville Rd Ste H, Charlotte NC, 28269. Its also a hard sell and a commitment because they realize a lot of people, even after initially being helped, will want to stop coming in, stop eating right and exercising because they feel better nowtheyre cured! It is definitely working for us! I have only been to two maximize life locations in both were hyper socialized with a culr like atmosphere and kids everywhere. Why not, I had already paid for the visit. Having had experience with a religious cult and escaped, i feel I can speak to this My husband and I were VERY skeptical of chiropractic in general, but desperate with many chronic pain and other health issues(Fibromyalgia since age 13, IBS, heart palpitations and anxiety,acid reflux, migraines, hives and other skin irritations, multiple food allergies,high blood pressure,sleep apnea, uterine fibroid that caused severe anemia, severe seasonal allergies, asthma, and I got sick ALL the time- depleted immune system . ) Maximized is a welcoming, wholesome, and loving environment and we feel like we were truly welcomed into the Maximized FAMILY. Anyway, I went to ML because it happened to be the closest chiropractic office near my house and I have had a sharp pain in my shoulder that has lasted for years. These DCs are not only acting against the law, but are 100% incorrect when it comes to lifelong diseases like autoimmunity. I felt like the book really explained everything so clearly. Our friend never made it that far. At the end, a strange woman appeared on the screen and informed me that the adjustment my doctor was going to make today is very important, as it will be the first step on the road to a Maximized Life. The doctors take lots of their time to educate you in seminars and they dont get paid for that. My girlfriend has/had endomitriosis (not sure if that ever actually goes away or not) along with terrible migrains every other day. After my very first adjustment I went to get out of the car to pump gas and could not believe the pain was gone. I found the fatter I got the colder I got. Usually takes one to two adjustments. What most people dont seem to mention is that many reputable insurance companies WILL cover these services as medical treatment. She wouldnt even look at it because it didnt fall into the category of spinal adjustments. Thank goodness I had overheard the receptionist speaking with an old female patient about her treatment program before I went in for my consultation. While they may help some people, it is obvious that they do not care about your physical or mental comfort while in their care, and they are on the lookout for something to be wrong with you in order to get your money. 51 min; DEC 2, 2022 . But he is (or was at the time) indeed a student; I found out via other research. They want you to sign a long term contract with them that involves thousands of dollars, and they are not upfront about it either, rather they know that if they can get you to waste enough time on them that they can manipulate you and get you to sign it. She presented a one year program that would cost us $4100 for a family of 5, which for us was already way above our budget. She found I had scoliosis, which no other chiropractor had ever noticed before (until I mentioned it, and then he realized I did). The usual x-rays were taken and then I had to go to a presentation about my back. 15% Off. Our field lacks trust as it is, and I think we ought to be unquestionably honest and up-frontotherwise, were just perpetuating the problem and reinforcing the negative stereotypes. When I went in for the initial consultation with the chiropractor, The first thing he said when he entered the office was, I know youve had the nerve scan, and there was some blockage there, and were going to clear that up for you. Pardon me? Congratulations to Dr Ben and his success my body is forever grateful! - Michaela B. Maximized; Everyone here truly cares for the whole family and treats each person individually. Date Recorded: Party: Role: Document Type: Document No. Plus I get very wary of my neck being adjusted, as Ive heard too many horror stories about quacks paralyzing people doing just that. 50% Off. Theres some validation in that. Well it was all private when it came to everyones x-rays. I know chiropractics work, when done right, and honestly. I told her that I lived in a different city and wouldnt be able to visit frequently, and she was fine with that. When I visit my medical doctor, she treats me immediately not three or four visits later. We had ended up switching because we found him closer to home. Doctors had her on low blood pressure pills, hormones, vicadin, and even did a medically induced menopause at age 22. Overall I would say that this Chiropractic business really commercializes the spinal care experience and its not a very sacred experience! Although I have only been at MaxLiving for 8 months, they truly . Hi Tim, However, after moving to TN 11 years ago I picked up sinus issues because of the pollen bowl that we live in. Industry. Every patient is required to attend one of these group appointments. Just use your common sense to determine if what they are saying sounds logical, and if you feel any better or not after the adjustment. If its cut you are dead. Heck, we couldnt even afford to go, when I started I was on my mothers insurance, but then I lost my insurance with her when I got too old. On average users reported $2573.33 of damages. I didnt have to go to a bunch of appointments before receiving care. I was so addicted to sugar it might as well have been crack cocaine. Dr. Wilson. That was red flag number two. It was mostly dark since only one light had been turned on, and aside from the X-ray machine and a rubber spine suspended from a metal hook, it was totally bare. A friend and fellow healthcare practitioner walked in to the office this week to get adjusted, and asked us if we knew Dr. [First name] [Last name], who opened up a Maximized Living practice in a nearby neighborhood. You are a chiropractic student, at Northwestern Health Sciences University. The discs in the spine can be normal, Phase 1, Phase 2 and finally Phase 3. Posted on October 5, 2022 Posted in ceramic tea light oil diffuser October 5, 2022 Posted in ceramic tea light oil diffuser I can maintain my weight better and have more energy. Pros. Or you see a Maximized Living chiropractor and change your diet, start exercising and the need for the drugs evaporates, you are feeding your body on a cellular level, sleeping better, experiencing increased energy levels, better moods, and generally feeling better overall. The leading cause of death in the US is legal medical care prescription drugs and a health (and I use that word loosely) care system that does nothing to keep you health but instead makes you sicker. Do I wish I could have the treatment sure, do I feel like I could go back knowing the way they handled themselves & hidden costs and reading reviews that sync with mine no. Unfortunately, many of these clinics have no idea what a mess the corporate office is and. No offense, God wants me to live a Christian life and raise my children. lol and when you say they lie about your spine is ludacris! I have had sinus issues for years and had to spray saline solution up my nose daily. It was only recently that the pain started in again and I called Dr. Ben Lerners office to get a recommendation for a chiropractor where I now lived. My 46 year old neck is borderline stage 3. She is the main reason were going. Otherwise, none at all. Maximized Living Maximized Living Summary. However, there are individual DCs (ML-based and otherwise) who DO run shady business practices, and if we DCs are going to gain any footing and respect beyond the 6%-of-the-population statistic, Im calling on all my fellow brethren to knock it the (bleep) off. I practice far different from ML AND far different than the medical model. What I find extremely interesting is that if you visit your doctor because you are feeling tired all the time, your doctor does not make inquiries about your diet and exercise but instead prescribes drugs. (I am not convinced that ML is a scam, per se, which is why I titled my first post with a question mark.). by Kimberly Roberto. We mentioned that we vaguely knew him, and our neighbor said she had gone to their clinic to see what they were like so that she would know which of her clientele to refer to them. Other than the slight increase on range of motion to one side for my neck, everything else actually felt a little worse, if any change at all. I was so lucky to have gone to Dr. Lerner and can HIGHLY recommend any of the chiropractors who follow his program. I will speak of only mine and my husbands experience of the Maiximized Living office in Charlotte, NC on Park Road. He cant believe that I no longer need 3 medications to allievate my asthma symptoms. Kudos to you Mia for pursueing a career in Naturopathic Medicine. Please dont listen to everything you hear as its not true. Chiropractic itself (pure chiro and the physiological principles behind it) are NOT a scam, either. She shared her experience with us. He told me to come back when I was out. I never had to sit in a discussion group or sit while taking X-rays. They just keep charging you for equipment that should have been paid for a long time past, and on treatments that you thought you paid the value on. Address: 115 E Harmony Rd Ste 200 Fort Collins, CO, 80525-3280 United States Our experience with Maximized Living from a students perspective, Our experience with Maximized Living from a students perspective | Charting Doctor Territory. She wasnt disappointed that she got adjusted during that second visit, but she wondered out loud when they were going to go over her exam and x-ray results with her. I figured, what the heck Ill try anything. A surgeon is going to want to operate. I had scoliosis and that is non existant anymore, the curves are back in my spine, my allergies and head aches are gone, my weight has dropped, and I no longer need my inhaler for the asthma the medical doctor said I would have for the rest of my life I dont get why you feel the need to hate on these guys I love what they are doing. So the ML doc were seeing now has been no pressure at all, and very good to work with. I hope you get to see a maximized living doctor, you've been in an accident and having pain along with headaches. And I am sure there are some bad ML chiropractors out there just as there are bad MDs out there. And that is illegal by the way! What works for some does not work for others and the same goes for most medical professions. Then you suffer side effects from the drugs so the doctor prescribes more drugs and those require more drugs because of the additional side effects. Information about Maximized Living was first submitted to Scambook on Nov 03, 2013. A very well 800 dollars spent in my opinion. Im not speaking bad about medical doctors they are great and are very important, But in the terms of actual HEALTHCARE they do not provide it, all they can do is offer you drugs, and if that doesnt work offer you more drugs and if that doesnt work surgery. They are now under investigation for what they did to us. Thank you for writing this blog and alerting us about these crooks. Likely, by now, ML has stopped their providers from trying to represent a higher level exam than they gave. After my return visit, I was told that I needed to come back for a third visit where he would go over my x-rays and other tests, and then come up with a plan of treatment for me. So my first visit went okay; although I was more than somewhat uncomfortable thanks to the lobbys three sparse, plastic chairs and cardboard shelf with some vitamin shakes as decoration. I really appreciate this article because we got caught up in the web of a Maximized Living chiropractor in Missouri that led to us to believe that she could fix all of our familys health problems, including the ones we didnt even know we had, if we came to her office for a year. In 2009, he authored his first book, Maximized Living Nutrition Plans. The chiropractic adjustments are helping a sore neck from years of poor posture fro dental assisting. Based in Naples, FL, Maximized Living is a small health care company with only 50 employees and an annual revenue of $580,000. The only pro about Maximized Living is the genuine love that the chiropractic clinics who sign up to be part of Maximized Living have for helping people. As soon as I realized this, I ended our consultation and I was no longer interested in the snake oil this salesman was trying to sell to me. By the way you can get these books it a far more affordable price in places like Amazon. I kept wondering if there was a catch, but we trusted her and signed up to go to her for a year with amazing discounts. What I do find fault with is the tired, old, high-pressure sales tactics that they encourage via their own internal training materials (which have been leaked to me anonymously and posted). Some docs are less-than-honest (as is true in every profession, whether medical/healthcare-oriented and otherwise), and unfortunately, those patients pay a price. I also took the opportunity to talk to a couple of patients while I waited in the office. Close So, those of you who had a bad experience, please dont assume all ML chiropractors are like that! Living website that says these Doctors heal disease states. FYI Maximized Living was formerly known as "Body By God", and the other co-founder Charlie Majors was a known advocate of chiropractic care for treating cancer. In front of the Owner of the company, she had False attitude, behind the certains was . Mia, by your words you appear to be a very angry person. She gave me a list of recommended stretches and exercises to do, adjusted my back, and then I left. They use a combination of chiropractic and nutrition healing to allow your body to heal itself. For most, their sole interest is in the patient. When I eat certain foods my asthma kicks in. Chronicles of our journey, adversity, and success. Its almost like MLC guru in the sky makes it seem like you have stumbled upon a miracke cure. Case Summary. Soon. They make people pay in advance for up to 76 visits. Im really, really glad, by the way, that your negative experience did not turn you off to chiropractic itself. This is HEALTH CARE, preventing something before it happens. I have lost weight. At a California location I dropped close to $600 in a matter of a few days whereas at a different Max life Chiro, the price was so lowBut I was continued to be debited months after; so that explained the $49 introductory rate including exams, and what with Youre layong for it Dinner with the Doctor. The 5 Essentials is a natural and effective way to align your health. This seems counter intuitive to the concept of lifting the neck. Upon hearing her story, we were incredulous that so many of our brethren continue to fall for these extremist cult-like practice systems, but we were not surprised at any aspect of her experience: her feedback from a patients perspective, the levels that some doctors will stoop to in order to gain and retain patients, and the hoops that some doctors will make their patients jump through to receivelets face itrun-of-the-mill chiropractic care. Costing 1000s of dollars in medical bills yaer after year. Were not the only ones hes done it for either, he works with people that come in, around their budgets, so that they can come in and get the chiropractic help that they need. Now is that not fair??? #JustMyOpinion. This was a very strange experience. Its a known fact that Christopher Reeve (Superman) didnt live for long time after his accident falling off his horse. My experiences have been very good. In contrast to the ML chiropractor who said that the abnormality of my spine could have been caused by anything, the new doctor suggested that, as I am a full-time student and have been for years, what probably happened was that such a long time of constantly leaning over a desk had gradually pulled my spine out of alignment. Far better do the things that keep you from getting the disease in the first place and your traditional medical care provider is doing nothing make that happen yet the medical care provider who does, is scamming you! Maximized Living Health Centers, LLC has not been involved in any patent assignment transactions in the PlainSite database. I would not recommend it as the goal of each person walking through their door is to tell you that your going to become seriously ill or die if you dont get treated.then they walk you through their billing and how you can save yourself by going to their office. NOT all docs are the same, ML-based or otherwise. I tried massage therapy for my neck only to be relieved until I started driving home. If not, you can't afford to miss the Maximized Living 40|30 Chiropractic Seminar. Personally, I had a terrible experience at the ML near my house. In 2009, he authored his first book, Maximized Living Nutrition Plans. Everyone would eat clean pesticide free, herbicide free, fungicide free, larvacide free fruits and vegetables with more nutrition OK thats good, everyone would get there nervous system check which controls all other systems of the body, OK thats good, everyone would exercise correctly and efficiently OK thats good, Everyone would lead a more positive mind set and we all know the brain is a very powerful tool, OK thats good and we would all minimized the toxins we put in our bodies which also help lead toward sickness and disease OK thats good. I am not a fan of gadgets in chiropractics, so the hammers (or whatever was used) on my spine and neck made me uncomfortable. Jordan never said anything in regards to his status as a chiropractic student. maximized living scandal October 7, 2022 / lithium supply and demand 2021 / in fundraiser candy bars / by . I think TRUE chiropractic with a practitioner that cares more about you then your 3K-5K a year per family would be spending more then 4 minutes per patient. I have always felt the training was exceptional and ongoing. Youre entitled to your opinion, but your opinion will be much better respected if youre truthful. Maximized Mind, Maximized Nerve Supply, Maximized Quality Nutrients, Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle, and Minimized Toxins. With nearly two . After 3 months of adjustments and slight changes in diet, I was off medicine completely and feeling the best I have ever felt in my adult life. Kids everywhere asthma only bothers me when I exercise vigorously as I havent been on the diet enough. Fall into the Maximized FAMILY incorrect when it came to everyones x-rays attend one of group. ; t afford to miss the Maximized Living scandal October 7, 2022 / lithium and... Work with before it happens lived in a discussion group or sit while taking x-rays Im in pain his book... 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