The mission was aimed at destroying the terrorist forces labeled Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. (2019). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );,, *You can also browse our support articles here >. The risk acceptance principle is obvious in Slabinskis circumstance. Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces. Operation Lightning Hammer II. The idea is to plan sufficiently enough to reduce the chaos and uncertainty and destroy the enemies will to fight encouraged by the commanders ability to organize mission command through its seven principles. Other units that took part are the B Co. 159th Avn Rgt, 75th Ranger Regiment,[18] Joint Special Operations Command and CIA's Special Activities Division and British Royal Marines. Operation Anaconda was a military battle carried out against al Qaeda and Taliban forces. The mission command philosophy is executed through the mission command warfighting function, which basically consists of a series of mutually supporting tasks. As they discussed a possible mission abort, the helicopter was met with effective RPG fire. A former KSK commander is quoted in the German magazine Stern to have said: 'The pictures of Abu Ghraib, the torture in Iraqi prison camps, did absolutely not surprise me.'[36]. Since the battle of Tora Bora in 2001, OA was the first large scale battle in Afghanistan. With the recent long deployments of our military, a review of lessons learned becomes a vital part of mission success and helps to shape our forces for future conflicts. Razor 04 returned to the peak in an attempt to rescue Roberts, offloading Mako 30. 3. The expectation was that fighters, as in the case of Tora Bora several months earlier, would flee in the face of an assault and that blocker groups would simply be able to round them up.[11]. American forces eventually gained the upper hand, inflicting heavy casualties on the Taliban forces and pushing them out of the valley. Operation ANACONDA was ultimately a success. In the Lower Shahikot several imposing mountains dominate the landscape; chief among them is Takur Ghar at the southeastern end of the valley; to the northeast is Tsapare Ghar, dominating the northern entrance to the valley. Mansoor fortified the valley, digging trench systems, building bunkers and firing positions into the ridgelines, many of which would be put to effect during the operation. The operation Anaconda demonstrates how each of the functions was used to support each other in order to accomplish the mission. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! [13][pageneeded] The amount of conventional assets allowed in Afghanistan was limited by United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and civilian defense leadership. Task Force Sword/11: Mako 30, 31 and 21, Task Force Blue/DEVGRU. Another team codenamed India, composed of three Delta operators and an attached ISA operator walked into the valley through the same conditions to a hide in the southwest of the valley, known as the "Fish Hook". During shared experiences, the two-way communication and interaction between the commander, subordinates, and Soldiers reinforces trust. The signal intelligence also raised the possibility that high-value targets (HVTs) were present in the valley among which were Jalaluddin Haqqani and Saif Rahman. An enemy counterattack midday mortally wounded Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham, a pararescueman. One team would move to the peak of Takur Ghar, which commanded the southern approach to the Shahi-Kot valley. The way the operation was planned and executed highlighted the need for a paradigm shift in the way the U.S. conducted military operations. Major Bryan Hilferty states that the "major battle ended three or four days ago." The Apaches destroyed some enemy positions harassing the U.S. and Afghan troops, but the insurgents began intentionally firing their RPGs into the air. This essay conducts an analytical overview to Operation Anaconda, a military operation conducted in Eastern Afghanistan in early March of 2002. Operation Anaconda was a necessary evil. The U.S. forces estimated they had killed at least 500 fighters over the duration of the battle, however journalists later noted that only 23 bodies were found and critics suggested that after a couple days, the operation "was more driven by media obsession, than military necessity". From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Each principal had an individual failure that created an enormous challenge to overcome in order to accomplish the mission. US and Afghan sources believe at least 200 Taliban and Al Qaida fighters were killed during the initial assault and subsequent rescue mission. Huggins also had support from artillery, aviation, military intelligence, and other units. In late January and February plans were drawn up to assault the Shahi-Kot Valley using Afghan military forces (AMF) advised and assisted by U.S. special operators. At the end of the first day of battle when the Troops returned to base for inspections; they realized that all of them had been hit by multiple enemy bullets (p. 15). [12] In keeping with established strategy in Afghanistan, fire support was to be provided by United States Air Force units, rather than artillery. Operation Anaconda took place in early March 2002 in the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains southeast of Zormat, Afghanistan .This operation was the first large-scale battle in the United. The cause of the conflict is said to have been the complaint of some U.S. soldiers that the KSK soldiers had only changed their position when a shepherd stumbled into their hideout instead of killing him. The army's accomplishments and faults that were experienced in terms of the preparation and execution were fully counted by the US army. Special operations teams from the AFO detachment led by Lieutenant Colonel Pete Blaber were to provide on-location reconnaissance in the Shahi-Kot Valley for the operation. They were unable to get a clear answer from the officer they reached and also were unable to connect with the AFO teams. Only after the adaptation of mission orders did the acceptable prudent risk factor become acceptable. Then analyze the Operation using the 7 Principles of Mission Command: competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander's intent, mission orders, discipline initiative, and risk acceptance. Nevertheless, sometimes war is a necessary evil to fight against an invasive evil or evil ideological will. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of phone: 02 58812298, 02 222283966. fax : 02 222264303. email. A Predator UAV had the convoy under surveillance, showing 3 SUVs, a pickup truck and a large security element of gunman. "Roberts Ridge" Bantam Dell (New York), 2013. TF Panther deployed to Afghanistan in late June 2002 and would serve under CTF 82 until 5 December 2002. AFO teams launched further Recce teams into the nearby Naka Valley, hunting for al-Qaeda terrorists that had escaped but did not find anything. () The Germans are quoted to have witnessed U.S. Mission Command in Operation Anaconda: An Analysis (Essay Sample) Instructions: Analyze and evaluate the major points of your case study for research to write your persuasive essay. [14] TF Anvil consisted of TF Rakkasan and the 1-87 to set up blocking positions and prevent enemy forces from escaping. Operation Anaconda began before dawn on 2 March 2002. [24] Signalman Martin "Jock" Wallace, of the Australian Special Air Service Regiment, was awarded the Medal for Gallantry for his actions during the fighting. Operation Anaconda was a military operation that took place in early March 2002 as part of the War in Afghanistan. The commander is faced with the responsibility to plan for the success of the mission with the information given regardless of how inadequate the intelligence seems. b. (1) Even though headquarters published the warning order on 6 January, the Combined Force Air Component . [29] although this has not been confirmed by commanders. National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security. Mutual trust is shared confidence which must flow through the entire chain of command. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Task Force Commando: 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Thus, changing the approach to all future engagements and how they would be governed. This operation was the first large-scale battle in the US war in Afghanistan since the Battle of Tora Bora in December 2001. Through seven days of heavy, intense combat they were finally able to secure the very last objective. The successes and failures of this operation, in particular, were used to modify the relationship between unified land operations and mission command. It was fought in difficult mountain conditions and ended up with an American . On the second day, U.S. forces modified its original plan from a hammer-and-anvil focus to one that would see mass air fires on the valleys eastern sides in support of the U.S. Armys positions there. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on The final team was known as Mako 31 and was composed of three SEALs from DEVGRUs Recce Squadron, a USAF Combat Controller and a US Navy EOD operator. Mako 30 and Lt. Cmdr. Operation Anaconda was an operation that took place in the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains of Afghanistan from 2 March 2002 through 18 March 2002. A total of 8 U.S. soldiers, sailors, and airmen were killed and 82 wounded, along with several Afghan militiamen; U.S. estimates of other casualties vary, indicating rebel casualties between 500 and 800 and at least 14 civilian casualties. [28] Also, the quick-reaction soldiers reported fighters wearing Robert's gear and finding "a helmet with a bullet hole in it, [from which] it was clear the last person [Roberts] to wear it had been shot in the head. Operation Anaconda remains one of the most significant operations in Operating Enduring Freedom. The Afghan fighters, in trucks, were devastated by mortar fire registered in advance to strike fixed points on the road. The U.S. forces had a mission to secure the escape routes out of the valley. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Commanders and staffs use the science of control to regulate forces and direct the execution of operations to conform to their commanders intent. Keywords: Operation Anaconda, mission command, unified land operations. American Forces mistakenly landed in the middle of the valley, instead of the outside and were immediately caught in the Taliban's kill zone. The forces used, consisting of the 187th Infantry Regiment ("Rakkasans") of the 101st Airborne Division, led by Colonel Frank Wiercinski, and soldiers of 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, led by Lieutenant Colonel Paul LaCamera, were to be inserted by CH-47D Chinooks, supported by 6 AH-64A Apache helicopters and secure these blocking positions. The MH-47Es carrying the SEALs caught up to their targets: the lead Chinook landed in front of the convoy; as the occupants leapt out of their vehicles, the door gunner hosed the vehicles down with his minigun, cutting down a number of al-Qaeda terrorists; the second Chinook overshot the column and raked it with minigun fire as it passed. The exhausted Rakkasans were replaced by fresh elements from the 10th Mountain Division, who continued to clear the southern end of the Shahikot. [35] The previous record of 2,310 metres (7,580ft) was set a few days before by his teammate Arron Perry, also of the 3rd Battalion PPCLI. As the CH-47 neared their return, the AC-130 radioed on the new satellite frequency for confirmation to fire. He realized he would not return home to see his son. The insurgents used their ZPU-1 antiaircraft guns, DSHK and small arms fire against the attack helicopters supporting the Rakkasans. Once a war is initiated it is plagued by violence, death, chaos, confusion, complexity, disorder, and uncertainty. For example, an idea forms in the mind and is stressed into action by the ambition of the human will and becomes motivated to assert its will over the will of another. During the SovietAfghan War, Mujahideen leader Malawi Nasrullah Mansoor was in charge of the valley and invited foreign jihadists to base themselves in the Lower Shahikot. It was a complex operation set in a place and against an enemy that Americans have struggled . The next aircraft in line waited for the B-1B to receive permission to jettison the bomb and go round again. c. Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan - A Case Study of Adaptation in Battle. "Not a Good Day to Die" Penguin Group (New York), 2014: Holmes, Tony. Initially, resources such as air support, heavy mortars, and personnel were not sufficiently allocated for the operation based largely on the inaccurate intelligence assessment. The events that took place during Operation Anaconda have shown that misapplication of thorough organizational principles can cause unnecessary loss of life and equipment. Create a free website or blog at As TF Hammer continued, it suffered from a lack of unit cohesion because of the transportation difficulties. They came under fire almost immediately after landing on their way to their objectives, and remained pinned down by heavy mortar fire and locked in a fierce firefight throughout the day. During OA, the Afghan alliance fighting side by side with American Soldiers became demoralized and eventually retreated. there are various rules and . The SEAL team Mako 30, regrouped and was ferried by nearby units to a CH-47 to go back to Takur Ghar and search for Roberts. The road was in poor condition and difficulties ensued. John Chapman,, Coalition victory, Taliban evacuates and suffers heavy casualties. Operation Anaconda took place in early March 2002 in the Shahikot Valley and the Armagh Mountains, Afghanistan. The surviving crew and quick-reaction force took cover in a hillock and a fierce firefight began. For instance, airstrikes had to be approved by a different commander than the one commanding the ground operations. These tasks are mutually supporting in that the commander tasks drives the operations process, develops teams, and informs and influences audiences inside and outside their organizations. Overall, my stance is that the operation was a success. In the seven years of study and debate since 2002, key players from both sides have for the most An Afghan warlord named Zia Lodin is one of the main leaders of the Afghan allies that are fighting against, and have been fighting the Taliban for decades. Orbiting Apache helicopters attempted to suppress enemy mortar teams, but ran into a wall of RPG and 12.7mm fire, with one Apache losing all of its electronics to an RPG hit. Lang, Katie. A public declaration from such an esteemed figure commemorates the competence attributed to American forces. Competence is gained by knowledge and experience. Both teams of SEAL operators now opened fire down on the enemy fighters in a crossfire and the third Chinook landed its operators nearby to investigate a suspicious looking vehicle. As the Rangers and special tactics team exited the aircraft, Private First Class Matt Commons, posthumously promoted to Corporal, Sergeant Brad Crose, and Specialist Marc Anderson were killed. (LogOut/ This operation included joint efforts by Special Operations and multinational partners who worked together in the Shahi Kot Valley in Afghanistan in March 2002 (Isherwood, 2007). The operators and an assigned CSAR team boarded 3 MH-47Es while the Rangers climbed aboard a pair of MH-60G Blackhawks, launching from Bagram in the early morning. The SEAL team set up defenses, attempted to warm the wounded, and waited for dark when a recovery would be attempted. Operation Anaconda serves as a powerful model for commanders and army leaders to apply the principles of Mission Command to overcome unpredictable challenges and eventually achieve their potential. Naylor, Sean. The rockets would automatically detonate at 920 meters, catching helicopters in flak bursts (a tactic learned in the Soviet-Afghan War). This operation would test our military's readiness for joint operations against a hardened and willing adversary. Mission orders are the guide by which tasks are assigned, resources are allocated and guidance is issued. The men on the floor of the valley then picked up and began to patrol north again moving another 50 or so meters when an RPG was fired off a low foothill to the east. They remained undetected in an observation post through the firefight and proved critical in co-ordinating multiple Coalition air strikes to prevent the al-Qaeda fighters from overrunning the downed aircraft, to devastating effect. If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. [23], Despite heavy opposition, Task Force Rakkasan managed to secure its blocking positions to the north by the middle of the morning. Also, unfortunately, the pilot of the Razor 01 was not told about the enemy's anti-aircraft location on top of the mountain. AMF (Afghan Militia Forces): Commander Zia (Task Force Hammer), Kamil Khan and Zakim Khan (Task Force Anvil). The earlier phase of the war had been conducted without a joint commander. Mutual trust bank ltd. corporate head office: mtb centre 26 gulshan avenue, dhaka 1212, bangladesh . Australian SASR soldiers had infiltrated the area prior to the first helicopter crash undetected as part of a long range reconnaissance mission when the Chinooks went down. Operation Anaconda Command Structure. OA was a US attack on a stronghold in the Shah-I Kot area held by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. In Sabinskis mind, he was well aware of the risk of returning to the area of initial contact. This commander would have the authority to assign resources according to real-time need. Some are critical about the success of American and coalition forces but General Tommy Franks who led the attacks against the Taliban in 2001 and oversaw the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and defeat of Saddam Hussein stated that OA was an unqualified and absolute success (p. 346). It was then called away to support other troops before the Chinook arrived. [10] Increasing signals and human intelligence indicated a strong presence of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters in the Shahi-Kot Valley; approximately 150 to 200 fighters were believed to be wintering and possibly preparing for a spring offensive in the valley. The SEAL fire team, Mako 30, was picked up by an MH-47 Chinook helicopter, at 23:23 on 3 March. Operation Anaconda was a military operation that took place in early March 2002 as part of the War in Afghanistan. Military Science case study. Medal of Honor Monday: Navy Master Chief. The Afghans had successfully defeated the Soviet Army twice in this valley, and were expecting events to pan out in a similar fashion. It is considered as the largest combat operation conducted by the U.S. Army regarding the War on Terrorism which started after the tragedy due to terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Task Force Rakkasan: 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st and 2nd battalion 187th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. At approximately 06:10, Razor 01 reached the landing zone. Behind every idea is a fundamental structure. It is now accepted that the level of prudent risk has been maximally mitigated to ensure the greatest chance at success while minimalizing the chance for negative outcomes. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. This operation aimed at removing Taliban and al Qaeda forces located in this valley. Mission orders rely on individual initiative and provide the maximum freedom of choice in how to best accomplish the assigned mission. Supported by 16 Apaches, 5 USMC Cobras helicopters and several A-10A ground attack aircraft; the Rakkasans methodically cleared an estimated 130 caves, 22 bunkers and 40 buildings to finally secure the valley. a letter of orders from General Grant to General Sherman. [8] Malawi Nasrullah Mansoor later joined the Taliban, becoming governor of Paktia Province before being killed in a battle with a rival warlord. 3 main talking points is Competence, Mutual Trust & Shared Understanding. The helicopter crash-landed shortly after. Meanwhile, the 3rd battalion were dropped into the northern end of the valley with the objective of linking up with the stranded forces at the blocking positions. Operations planning took place in February of 2002 and was executed from 2-16 March. And because there is also inherent goodness within the will of human endeavor, so is the attempt to minimize death and casualties. AFO's only frustration was that Rakkasan ETAC/JTAC had priority for calling in airstrikes over the AFOs requests and the other SOF reconnaissance teams in and around the valley. The terrorists appeared surprised and did not fire on the Chinooks, its possible that they were distracted by TF Hammer's advance or the ineffective communication between the foreign fighters themselves. With the help of the new arrivals and close air support, the force was able to consolidate its position on the peak. Also on March 4, 2nd Battalion of the Rakkasans air assaulted into the eastern end of the valley, immediately attacking the heights under Apache cover. As Air Force rules prohibited AC-130 aircraft from remaining in hostile airspace in daylight after the crash of an AC-130 in Khafji in the Gulf War, the AC-130 support protecting Mako 30 was forced to leave before Razor 01 reached the LZ, although the leadership was aware that Razor 01 was incoming. Operation Anaconda demonstrated a breakdown in all six mission command philosophy principles and became the catalyst for changing the way war was conducted by the United States. Student's Name University Course Professor Date. US Special Forces Operation, Operation Anaconda was a military operation that took place in early March 2002 as part of the War in Afghanistan. Mission orders that assign tasks and allocate resources became more accurate due to the missteps of Operation Anaconda. This round closed in on around 10 men, including the two Australians and most of the American leadership, landing in the snow and mud right amongst them but failing to detonate. Operation Anaconda lacked unityThe United States Air Force, USAF, was recognized on 18 September 1947. Forces flattening entire villages during Operation Anaconda: 'Let's go, free to pillage' (). The Northern Alliance proved to be battle-hardened allies that could be counted on to fulfill critical tasks of the mission command warfighting function. Looking for a flexible role? [15], The operation was composed of elements: Task Force Dagger: ODAs from the 5th SFG, B company, 2nd Battalion, 160th SOAR and USAF Combat Controllers. The hot reception resulted in only two of the planned eight CH-47's landing in the LZ. One of the most significant and famous operations of the global war on terrorism. Anaconda was a military operation carried out by an international coalition led by the United States of America against the forces of the terrorist organization al Qaeda in Afghanistan in March 2002. OA demonstrated collaboration between countries, government agencies, various special operation groups, different military components, and companies of large ground forces. This lack of air support demoralized the Afghans and frustrated the special forces. [16], SOF teams from Task Force K-Bar and Task Force 64, which included: Navy SEALs from SEAL Teams 2, 3 and 8, Green Berets from 3rd SFG, The Canadian Army's Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), The German Army's Kommando Spezialkrfte (KSK), the Norwegian special forces units Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK) and Marinejegerkommandoen (MJK), elements of the Australian Special Air Service Regiment and the New Zealand Special Air Service and the Danish special forces from Jgerkorpset. An Anaconda is a snake that squeezes and suffocates it's victim. View all posts by Yskander Arquimides Saucedo. Using his family's connections in the region Nasrullah Mansoor's son, Saif-ur-Rehman Mansoor, became the leading Taliban commander of Zurmat District in Paktia Province by 2002. US Department of the Army. Operation Anaconda, a subordinate operation to Operation Enduring Freedom in 2002, was notable for difficulties in integrating US air and ground forces in order to bring combat power to bear on a stronger than originally anticipated foe. The assumption was made that this militia would perform just as the Northern Alliance performed. The competence of Americas military forces was tested in the battles of Operation Anaconda (OA). Afghan Taliban commander Maulavi Saif-ur-Rehman Mansoor later led Taliban reinforcements to join the battle. Finally, between several generals including SOF generals; the principle of shared understanding is exemplified as they agreed that command and control would be more effective under a conventional generalship under General Franks with SOF as a support element (Lambeth p. 167-168). Further air support was provided by U.S. Navy units and French Air Force Mirage 2000Ds. From past wars to future wars, war has become an evolutionary power. The correspondence between the two displays an understanding of the entire operational environment. The U.S determination of destroying the Taliban supporters and the Al Qaeda organization was greatly achieved in October 2001. The terrain is rugged, and the peaks have many spurs and ridges. It also demonstrated the fragility of the relationship between those principles when the required attention to those principles was not applied. General Varenikov, the commanding officer of the Soviet leadership, complained that the Afghan forces failed to develop an accurate picture of the Mujahideen defense in Zhawar, despite having enough time to do so.16 Yet, even after the Soviets took the lead, their 3 references, APA Format and original work The correspondence between the two displays an Understanding of the mountain a fierce firefight began resulted in two. Further air support, the Afghan Alliance fighting side by side with American Soldiers became demoralized and eventually retreated of. Is obvious in Slabinskis circumstance all future engagements and how they would be governed are ready and to. Against an invasive evil or evil ideological will the correspondence between the commander, subordinates and. In Eastern Afghanistan in late June 2002 and would serve under CTF 82 until 5 2002... On 2 March 2002 the maximum Freedom of choice in how to best accomplish the command! 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