Free shipping on many items . Use that spec as a rough guideline, not a rating you can absolutely compare to similar bags from other brands. James See All - Shop by Temperature Rating. We'll send you a few emails every week. Fill: Quallofil II Weekly reviews, exclusive deals, giveaways, and more: Help support this site by making your next gear purchase through one of the links above. Based on these ratings, one can learn the actual warmth a bag provides. Department: Unisex Adults. This bag is an excellent bargain. So, the comfort rating, which is the temperature for colder sleepers, was the logical spec target for womens bags, and brands continue to use the comfort rating on womens bags today. But they are pretty close to accurate. This material is very lightweight and compressible. It is roughly as warm as sleeping with a sheet or light blanket over you on your bed at home. I'm sure it could go to zero comfortably. Current Weather. Not every sleeping bag has an ISO (or EN) rating: The test standard isnt valid for bags designed for extreme cold, nor does it apply to kids bags. 30 8986-701 TRGT TTEMP 50/20NY/NY M02 50/20 20 8986-710C 39X92 4.25LB KENAI BAG 08241A769 TRAPPER II 20 8986-808 SEARS ACCUTMP 15 M002 15 30 8986A500 TRGT TRUTEMP 10 S\B 108241A784 OLIVE CTN/FLN 10 8986A710C KENAI SLP BAG 39X92 0 20 8997-300 TARGET FLEECE S/B M002 NA8241A812 HILLS COT/COT M004 30 8997-400 TARGET FLEECE S/B M002 NA 10 8997-401C FLEECE SLP BAG 33X75 M4 508241A819 WALMT NVY CTN/FLFIS M004 25 8997-408 WM'01 FLEECE M006 50 25 9932-651 COLE LAKE'03 COT/COT OP04 458241A870 WOODMAN II HERM. Sleeping bag manufacturers are a tricky bunch. Coleman Camping Sleeping Bags Suit Sleeping . Unrolled size (75 x 33 in.) You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! Sleeping bags have different temperature evaluations. The Peak 1 is near the bottom of the pack when it comes to fuel efficiency. for your first email from REI. Nice to see a strap on the bottom of the stuff sack. So always look at the actual test rating on a bag, not merely the number in its name. Reviewed by Lab-tested temperature ratings (as indicated by "EN" or "ISO" ratings) are useful for making an apples-to-apples comparison between sleeping bags from different brands. Recommended Capacity: 1 Person. Wind Gusts 8 mph. Easy to zip and roll the bag. It simply indicates the temperature at which an average male can sleep comfortably for more than 8 hours in a curled state without waking. The newsletter sign-up system is currently down for maintenance. Picking the sleeping bag will be easier after you know the right temperature rating to suit your purpose. And brands might not choose to get ISO testing on bags intended for mild conditions or casual use. Feature Highlights. The season rating is the new and old Coleman sleeping bag temperature ratings mostly used all over the world. But not anymore! REI Editor Emeritus Ken Knapp became a member in 1977 and went on to work for more than 36 years at the co-op. Its easy to guess that the lab testing procedure never matches the comfort of real-world applications. Temperature Rating: 15 F The Coleman 3-in-1 sleeping bag is a 2-person sleeping bag. To understand them better, it helps to understand how the bags are tested for warmth in the lab (including some of the limitations in the process), and the meaning of some not-so-intuitive terms youll see in bag temperature ratings. Shop by Temperature Rating. Philip is a firm believer that there is no better way to connect with nature and get some exercise than by spending time in the great outdoors. Weighing in at about 4 1/2 pounds, it's not the lightest bag on the market, but for $45, I'm willing to work a pound off in the lap pool instead, and save a C-note or two. I like the collar thing inside the sleeping bag which helps seal in heat. Most of the time, you'll find 4 choices between 50 F to 24 F ratings. On the website of Coleman, you'll find the season rating of sleeping bags in the Category section under the Filter. 8221-585 BLK NYL/ASST TRIC M006 50 8821B614 PECOS NYL/TRICOT M004 50 50 8821B701 ARROYO'01 NYL/COT M004 408221-602 NVY NYL/BURG NYL TARGET 40 8821B704 '03 CHRISTMAS PROMO OP4 40 50 8821B712 GRN NYL/ASST COT CAT'99 408221-604 PIONEER KMT M04 50 8821B741 ROANOKE '04 M006 40 50 8821B746 REDSTONE '04 COT/COT 408221-606 NYL TAF/GRAY TRIC M004 50 8821B748 POPLAR'04 M004 40 50 8821C712 CIMARRON NYL/AST COT M006 408221-608 RED PNYL/TAN M006 50 8821D712 CIMARRON'01 NY.COT M006 40 40 8823-751 GRN COT/COT PLD CAT'99 40/308221-610 NVY PNYL/TAN M006 40 8827-902 TROPHY COT/COT M002 20 50 8841-600 COT/TRICOT CAT '99 OP04 408221-612 GRN (BRN) PLYNYL/TAN M006 40 8841-610 WINE NYL/NAVY-PTR TRI M04 40 40 8841-611 OLIVE COT/COT PLAID M004 408221-613 GRN NYL/NAVY TRI HILLS 40 8841-612 BLK NYL/RED-PRT TRI M004 40 40 8841-614 GRN NYL/NAVY-PTR TRI M004 408221-619 ASSORT KM AURORA M008 40 8841-616 ASST NYL/ASST FLAN M004 40 30 8841-618 NAVY COT/NAVY-STRIPE M004 408221-632 BL.NYL/TAN TRIC.KMT 40 8841-619 LAKEVIEW'03 NYL/COT OP004 40 40 8841-620 BLK COT/TRICOT OP004 408221-633 MEIJERS NYL/PL.TRIM08 40 8841-622 GREEN COT/TRICOT M004 40 40 8841-624 GRN NYL/COTTON M004 408221-644C CANADIAN KMART 30 8841-626 BLK NYL/COTTON M004 40 40 8841-628 NAVY NYL/COTTON OP004 408221-652 MEIJERS NYL/TRIC M8 30 8841-700 GRANITE PK'03 NYL/COT OP4 30 30 8841-701 BURG NYL/COT '99 M004 308221-659 FRANK/NAVY PEPSI M004 40 8841-708 OCALA COT/COT M004 30 40 8841-710 BRN COT/COT PLAID M004 308221-700 NAVY/GREY M002 40 8841-712 NAVY COT/COT STRIPE M004 30 40 8841-713 COT/COT ELK PASS OP002 208221-701 HUNTER GREEN NYL/COTTON 40 8841-714 OLIVE COT/COT FLAN OP004 30 40 8841-716 BLK COT/COTTON M004 308221-702 GREEN/SAND M002 40 8841-719 BRN COT/ASST COT M002 30 40 8841-721 AMISTAD NYL/COT FISH M002 308221-703 WALMT COT/PLD FL M004 40 8841-723 BLK ROCK COT/COT OP004 30 40 8841-739 BLU CROSS'03 COT MOO4 308221-704 GRN NYL/RED-BLK BUFF TARG 40 8841-754 RICHLD CR'03 COT/COT MO2 25 40 8841-760 OLIVE COT/COT DUCKS M002 258221-705 SER MDSE COT/TRICOT M004 40 8841-762 NAVY COT/COTTON FLAN M002 25 30 8841-764 GRN COT/COTTON M002 308221-706 WALMART NYL/TRICOT M008 30 8841-766 CHARCOAL NYL/COTTON M002 30 20 8841-768 BLK NYL/COTTON PLAID OP02 308221-707L SLPG BAG W/LITE M08 30 8841-770 NAVY NYL/COTTON OP002 30 20 8841-811 OLIVE COT/COT FISHING M02 208221-708 GRN\NYL/ASST BJ M08 10 8841-813 GREEN COT/FLYING DUCK M02 20 40/30 8841-815 BROWN COT/ASST FLAN M002 208221-709 ASST.SHOPKO M8 50 8841-817 BRN COT/COTTON M002 20 50 8841-819 NAVY COT/COTTON M002 208221-710 NAVY/CTN FLAN W/PILOW M02 40 8841-821 OLIVE NYL/COT FISH M002 20 40 8841-823 NAVY NYL/COT OP002 208221-712 GRAY/CTN FLAN W/PILOW M02 30 8841-855 GRPVINE'03 COT/COT M02 20 30 8841-899 CASTLE PK'03 COT/COT OP02 208221-713 HILLS NYL/TRI M006 10 8841-912 NAVY COT/COT FLAN VAN BAG 40 40 8841-917 GRN COT/NVY COT W/PILLOW 40/308221-714 NAVY NYL/TAN TRICO 30 8841-949 SIERRA MADRE'03 COT/COT 40 40 8841A611 OLIVE COT/COT CAT'99 M004 408221-717 S/B LEGEND KM M002 50 8841A616 ASST NYL/ASST PLD FLN OP4 40 50 8841A619 LAKEVIEW'04 NYL/COT M004 408221-720 AMES GRN COT/BLK COT M004 50 8841A624 GRN NYL/COT PLD OP004 40 50 8841A626 NYL/COT FLANN CAT'99 M004 408221-722 GUATEMALA BOY SCOUT M006 40 8841A700 GRANITE PK'04 NYL/COT MO4 30 40 8841A701 BEAVER TR NYL/COT M004 308221-726 SB PROMO W/PILO M004 40 8841A712 ARAPAHO COT/COT M004 30 40 8841A723 BLK ROCK COT/COT M004 308221-727 OLIVE KM DRIFTER M004 40 8841A739 BLU CROSS'04 COT MO4 30 40 8841A754 RICHLD CR'04 COT/COT OP02 258221-728 NVY KM ADVENTURER M004 40 8841A760 YOSEMITE COT/COT M002 25 40 8841A762 ZION COT/COT M002 258221-729 BLUE NYL/GRAY 40 8841A811 ALBERTA COT/COT M002 20 40 8841A813 ATIKONAK COT/COT M002 208221-731 KM DRIFTER/ADVENTURER M04 40 8841A817 MANITOBA COT/COT M002 20 40 8841A855 GRPVINE'04 COT/COT MO02 208221-748 RED-BLUE-GRN/GRAY TARGET 40 8841A899 CASTLE PK'04 COT/COT M002 20 40 8841A912 NAVY COT/COT CAT'99 408221-752 NYL/POLY NYL M032 40 8841A949 SIERRA MADRE'04 COT/COT 40 40 8841B611 CLEAR LAKE COT/COT M004 408221-761 ASST CTN/GRAY CTN M06 40 8841B616 PALISADES NYL/COT M004 40 40 8841B619 LAKEVIEW NYL/COT M004 408221-762 AST.POP/CTN M06 40 8841B626 MACAW NYL/COT FLAN M004 40 40 8841B700C GRANITE 33X77 4LB BAG 308221-764 BLACK CTN/TRICOT 40 8841B817 DICKS'03 COT/COT OP02 20 40 8841B855 GRPVINE'04 COT/COT OP02 208221-809 CHR NYL/ASST CTN FL M002 30 8841B912 CAHRNAY NVY COT/COT FLAN 40 30 8841C619 LAKEVIEW NYL/COT M004 408221-811 NVY NYL/CTN DUCK KM M002 30 8861-700 COT/COT FLAN CAT-99 M004 40 30 8861-701 BUCKSKIN COT/FLEECE M004 308221-817 HILLS NYL/COT FLANN M006 30 8861-702 COT/COT OUTDOORSMAN M004 30 30 8861-751 COT/COT WOODSMAN II 308221-870 AST.POP/CTN MEJ M6 30 8861A702 GRN COT/COT CAT'99 M004 35 30 8861B702 WHITE WATER COT/COT M004 358221-910 BLK NYL/MAROON COTTON 30 8881-611 OAK GROVE COT/COT '01 OP4 408221A612 ASST BRN/GRN/TAN8221A658 RED NYL/TAN TRI M088221A700 WALMART NYL/TRICOT M0068221A702 WALMART NYL/TRICOT M0068221A703 WALMRT COT/PLD FL M0048221A762 AST NYL/CTN FLANEL M68221A870 AST POP/CTN FLAN M0068221B707L SLPG BAG W/LITE8221M703 WALMT SPR PROMO M0248231-550J GRN/PLD FLN JPAN M0048231-560J JAPAN PROMO M0048231-561J GRN/PLD CTN FL M48231-562J NAVY/PLD CTN FL M48231-563J GRN CTN/PLD CTN FL M48231-564J GRN CTN/PLD POLY M0048231-565J BLU CTN/POLY CTN OP48231-566J GRN CTN/COTN FLANEL OP48231-567J GRN CTN/CTN FLANNEL M0048231-568J NAVY NYL/CTN FLANNEL M068231-569J GRN CTN/CTN FLANNEL M68231-570J JAPAN COT/COT M0048231-571J JAPAN COT/COT OP0048231-604J GRN CTN/BUF PLD JPAN M0048231-610 TEAL NYL/GREY8231-617C 3INS2 CANADIAN TIRE M028231-622 3# INSUL JPAN INT8231-623 3#INSUL SLEEPING BAG8231-624 3# INSUL JPAN INTL8231-626 TEAL CTN/BK.GR.PUR.PLD8231-627 BRN CTN/WILDLIF.P\C8231-628J JAPAN CTN/FLAN 3LB OP48231-631 3#INS NVY/TRIC RICH8231-632 CAPRI 2B/2T M0048231-641 BLU CTN/TRIC8231-643C CANADIAN KMART8231-695 VENTURE G.PRT/TEAL TRIC8231-703 JAMACIAN PRINT8231-704 WMART 8131-704 W/2DLITE8231-706C CANADIAN KMART8231-709 CTN POP/CTN FL POP8231-716C SLPG BAG NYL/COT M0068231-719 CAMEL CTN/CTN FL RCH8231-725 GRN/LANTERN M0048231-727 GRN NYL/PLD BRADLEE8231-733 GRN CTN/BUFF PLD HILLS 9 oz. Join once, enjoy forever. 70 to 79 in; 80 in & above; Sleeping Bag Item Width Side to Side. Online booking is currently unavailable, please check back at a later time. Raise your voice in the movement to protect and share life outdoors. You can find it at a sporting goods store for $60 to $70, or at a Coleman outlet store for $45. 0-degree sleeping bag A 0 degree bag is a great all-rounder but won't keep you warm in the snow or frosty night - it's about the same as having a regular doona on your bed at home. Coleman Granite Peak Sleeping Bag has a temperature rating of 4C,33\" x 77\" (84 x 196 cm) size fits a person up to 6' (182 cm) in height,Coletherm filling and deluxe fleece lining,ZipPlow plows fabric away from zipp . Its pretty simple to understand more than the EN comfort rating. Bags from other brands the Coleman 3-in-1 sleeping bag is a 2-person sleeping bag will be after! Ll find 4 choices between 50 F to 24 F ratings send you a few minutes to... 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